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Are you a Business or Home owner thinking about creating your own Solar energy?

Contact us today to discuss your solar energy plans, concerns and questions! Our company can prepare for you and your site an unbiased Solar energy production summary based off data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. This detailed report will provide you with knowledge & leverage when analyzing install and design firm quotations for your site.

Contact Us

Professional Advice For Businesses, Non Profits, Farms & Homeowners Evaluating The Total Benefits of Clean Solar Energy

Call us today to discuss your solar plans. Semper ad lucem… Always Toward The Light!

Lease a solar panel system

Purchase A System

Businesses & Homeowners may have the cash required to purchase a system outright. A typical residential system costs between $15,000-$25,000 after rebates and incentives are applied to the cost of the system. If you estimate that over the next 30 years, you’ll spend between $60,000 and $72,000 for electricity. Learn More…

Lease a solar panlel system

Lease A System

A solar lease makes solar affordable. Many Businesses & Homeowners who want the benefits of solar energy can’t afford the upfront cost associated with a cash system, so with a solar lease, most companies make the upfront
investment and absorb all the burdens and risks. Learn More…

Power Purchase Agreement

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is similar to a lease and has been a popular method of financing solar power systems for many years. Under the PPA model, the solar provider secures funding on their own for the solar project and then, Learn More…

Equipment Comparisons

(c-Si) Crystalline Silicon Panel
Thin-Film Semiconductor Panel
SunPower Maxeon Panel
Hot Water Systems
Racking - Mounting Systems
Micro Inverters

Frequently Asked Questions

What is solar power?
How long do most solar systems last?
Can I eliminate my electric bill?
What's the installation cost?
What is Net Metering?
Read More FAQ