Solar Energy Advisers is an information and marketing company whose mission is to help educate Public Schools, Businesses, Farms, Non Profits & Residential customers considering the total benefits of clean solar energy.  The free professional advice you’ll find on our website includes information about national installers, panel designs and efficiency, tax credits and incentives, inverters, hot water systems and more.

Like you, we’re also residential consumers frustrated about skyrocketing costs of everything we buy today for our homes and families.  The corporate monopolies which provide our dirty energy are just one of many industries supporting America with unsustainable economic business models for all of us.  When you include the harmful environmental effects of pre and post burning coal to boil water to create steam which turns a steam turbine so we can make popcorn, it’s easy to see why Solar Energy Advisers is our passion.

Solar technology offers us the opportunity to become a Prosumer…a producer-consumer of your families energy.  This is one area where we the prosumers, can regain the LEVERAGE back from dirty energy monopolies.

Part of our support to our customers includes the following….quote submittals and organization into national installers, Federal and State tax information, recommendations on national installers, maintenance and support advice once your system is installed, contract recommendations, discuss layout and shade concerns, FREE phone and or email consultations and more.

OK so by now you must be thinking…well how does Solar Energy Advisers make money?  They can’t be providing this valuable information and benefits without making money?  Yes you are correct.  Our company has signed independent contractor agreements in place with national installers. Once your new solar energy system is tied to the grid, your national installer will send us a small referral fee.  Of course, prior to that happening we will provide advice to help optimize your system, answer all your questions, find the best deal, and assist with having it installed in the shortest amount of time.  Solar Energy Advisers will ONLY share your personal contact info & physical address with national installers and their authorized dealer networks.

This website has also been specifically designed for new solar customers & solar advocates to share your positive and negative feedback with friends, family, neighbors and other businesses & homeowners considering going with Solar Energy.  We encourage that feedback to include our service and support, and the service and support of the national installer pre and post tied to the grid.