About Cheryl Monroe

Solar Energy Advisers is an information and marketing company whose mission is to help educate residential consumers considering the total benefits of clean solar energy.
Semper ad lucem - always towards the light!


Need an unbiased Solar Energy Production SECOND opinion?

Solar Energy Advisers can prepare for you an estimated solar energy production report for your business & residence based on Kilo Watt Hour production for the first year. We use Google Earth images and a special software tool tied into the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) which provides information based on your sites physical location, the panel model and manufacturer your installer is […]

Sungevity & Solar Economics 101 Video Presented by CEO Andrew Birch

SunPower Maxeon Technology video

SunPower panels hold the world record for energy production…36% more panel efficiency.
Learn more from this video…

Net Metering Informational Video

Questions about Net Metering and where your State stands on this important issue for creating a clean renewable solar energy future? Great video to learn more…