Solar Energy Advisers can prepare for you an estimated solar energy production report for your business & residence based on Kilo Watt Hour production for the first year. We use Google Earth images and a special software tool tied into the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) which provides information based on your sites physical location, the panel model and manufacturer your installer is recommending along with their respective derate factor, and even the angle of your roof tilt & azimuth.

This NREL database EVEN takes into consideration your locations typical meteorological weather data for the year…yes the amount of daily sunshine aka solar radiation, rain and overcast conditions.

We’ll even include your States local incentives & Federal incentives.

Contact us TODAY to request one of these detailed reports to give you that peace of mind SECOND opinion.

Normal Residence locations range from $99 to $149.
Normal Business locations range from $199 to $249.
Large Distribution sites & big box stores range from $329 to $379.